Monday, October 1, 2007

Science Lab- Thrust Structure

Today I missed the labs but I was doing the Thrust Structure. We designed a lgiht weight thrust structure that withstood the force of the launch. We made a reinforced box with craft sticks. Not only did it withstand the 3 launches it survived all through the afternoon so I could try it after school. The rocket went about 1 meter high.

We built a structure sterdy enough to withstand all the launches. It was doubled layered on the sides for extra strenght but it didnt add too much weight. OUr structure was successfull during all trials.

I wonder if you could do this experiment using diffrent materials (straws, popsicle sticks, penicils) and get similar results? I wonder whether we will need to design or use a functional launch structure during Mission to Mars to land or take off.

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