Monday, January 7, 2008

A Measure of Sound

We got through experiment 1 of our lab today: Winding things up. In this lab we used a Magnetic Feild Sensor to measure magnetic field strenght generated by a nail, wire, and a battery. In the end we got the graph shown above. We wound the wire around the nail 3 more times each time we tested it. Both ends of the wire were attached to a flash light battery. This graph shows that as the wire was wound around the nail the magnetic field got larger and stronger. We had some difficulty about 3/4 of the way through when out battery started losing energy and we got false data. After a quick battery change we did a few of the tests again and got data that fits into the trend line.

We didn't get to perform experiment 2 -Build Your Own Speaker- because we ran out of time. It would have involved my ground using our new found knowledge of magnetic fields and a plastic cup to make a very simple speaker. I understand the basic idea behind this but it would have been an interesting lab.

I am not sure how this directly applies to Mission to Mars, I wonder if it has to do with the magnetic field of the rocket or any of the instruments? I imagine magnetic fields play an important role in space, I am curious to see how this applies later.